○○会社 本文へジャンプ
This is the official website of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (in English)

About JCLA
The Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association (JCLA) is an academic organization devoted to the interdisciplinary study of language. Founded in September 2000, when its first annual meeting was held at Keio University in Tokyo, it now has over 700 members in Japan and the neighboring countries. It hosts the annual meeting and cognitive linguistics seminar in September every year. JCLA has been affiliated with the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA) since September 2005.


President      Kimihiro YOSHIMURA (Ryukoku University)

Vice Presidents   Kaoru HORIE (Nagoya University)
          Kazumi SUGAI (Hyogo University of Teacher Education)

Secretary-General  Hirotoshi YAGIHASHI (Kyorin University)
          jcla-secretariat [AT] 2jcla.jp  (for general inquiries)

Secretary      Toshiyuki KANAMARU (Kyoto University)
          jcla-info [AT] 2jcla.jp  (for public relations)
          Hiroshi NODA (Aichi Gakuin University)
          jcla-office [AT] 2jcla.jp  (for membership)

   To full version in Japanese

   To ICLA website